Demagnetization may be caused by a variety of factors, including: high temperature, physical shock or long-term time-induced natural decline in magnetism.
Specifically, when a permanent magnet is subjected to high temperatures, the magnetic dipoles inside it lose their ordered arrangement, causing the magnetism to weaken or disappear.
For example, the Curie temperature of permanent magnets is relatively low, and once their maximum operating temperature is exceeded, the magnets will gradually demagnetize.
In addition, physical shock may also cause demagnetization of permanent magnets because the shock may change the arrangement of magnetic dipoles, destroying the magnetic domain structure and thus affecting the magnetic properties.
Over time, even if a permanent magnet is not subjected to significant physical shock or high temperatures, its magnetism may naturally decay, because the arrangement of the magnetic dipoles may gradually become disordered, resulting in a weakening of the magnetism.
This depends on the external conditions the magnet encounters and the properties of the permanent magnet itself.
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